The most important factors affecting the performance of industrial ventilation systems

“The performance of ventilation systems

The effect of temperature on the performance of industrial ventilation systems 

Air exchange is extremely important for the comfort - removing polluted air and supplying fresh air from the outside is essential for our health and fine fettle. When we talk about industrial ventilation systems in factories, assembly lines or warehouses it is crucial, because the air is constantly being polluted in such environments. Properly selected and designed ventilation guarantee that customer requirements are met and will significantly reduce heating costs. Let's take a look at the factors affecting the efficiency of industrial ventilation systems starting with the first one – temperature. The thermal conditions inside production hall or warehouse are also related to air humidity - simply put, higher humidity can also give the feeling of warmth. They both affect on the operation of ventilation devices and their efficiency - warm air inside is lighter and less dense than cold outside air. So the effect of temperature on industrial ventilation systems is essential and cannot be ignored. Heavier cold air displaces warm air that rises and escapes through the exhaust grilles to the ventilation stacks. Pressure gives the opposite effect on air density than temperature - when increases, the density of air also increases. In order to keep these parameters as balanced as possible, appropriate ventilation systems must be used, which is decided by designers - depending on the application, space and layout of the facility. They can choose various solutions to control the temperature and humidity range, such as thermometers, pyrometers, infrared sensors or hygrometers. That helps to maintain optimal performance in varying temperatures and keep the effect of temperature on industrial ventilation system in control. Technological solutions for checking these parameters are constantly being improved. The results of these measurements are collected and analyzed by computer systems, also using AI. Thanks to such analysis, ventilation systems can be designed and used properly.

The role of air cleanliness in the efficiency of ventilation systems

Air filtering protects ventilation systems from contamination and extends the life of the installation. All kinds of pollutants, dust or particulate matter can clog filters - it is a significant factor. Filters are used to provide protection against dirt that may cause problems in the  installation and damage to its components. Air filters also ensure appropriate air quality and they are characterized by parameters such as required filtration efficiency and ability to retain pollutants with the lowest possible air flow resistance. Contaminated filters impede the air flow and may also become a secondary source of air pollution. The effect of air cleanliness in the efficiency of ventilation systems is extremely important to maintain the full effectiveness. Improper mounting, sealing of the filter or damages on the filter surface let contaminants to enter inside the ductwork, which in turn may cause faults, for example, of the heat recovery exchanger or the fan - this will consequently affect on whole ventilation system. Filtering devices have their dust storage capacity  - therefore systematic maintenance of the installation and replacement of air purification filters is necessary, ensuring that system operates at optimal levels. 

The importance of proper selection of fans and filters in ventilation systems 

In order for ventilation to fulfill its role properly, it must be kept hygienic all the time. During use, filters are gradually contaminated and that means the filter itself may become a source of pollutant emissions. Under some conditions mold and toxic bacteria may develop, thus reducing the purity of the air inside the building. Filter contamination causes, among others, increasing flow resistance, which in turn limits the amount of fresh air supplied. That means it is very important to periodically replace all filters. What about fans? Well, they should be selected for each kind of ventilation systems and must ensure optimal performance. They have to be chosen based on the specific contaminants present in the facility and they need to match the system's air flow requirements. It is obvious, that proper fan selection in ventilation systems will give optimal energy efficiency and guarantee the best effects of air filtering. 

The effect of air pressure on the efficiency of ventilation systems in industry 

The air flow rate in ventilation ducts is always related to the pressure. This is an important factor affecting the efficiency of the entire system, ensuring contaminants are captured and exhausted effectively. The static pressure caused by the running fan makes air movement in the ventilation system - higher resistance means lower efficiency provided by the fan. Air losses in ventilation ducts, as well as the resistance of other system elements such as filters, heaters and valves can be estimated using appropriate calculations and diagrams. The overall pressure drop can be figured out by adding the individual resistance indicators of all elements of the installation. Constant monitoring and balancing air pressure efficiency of ventilation system will ensure that it works properly and with optimal effectiveness.

Optimization of ductwork and branch circuit layout in ventilation systems

When industrial ventilation system is being designed it is crucial to make all calculations properly. Sizing, layout and configuration of ducts and branches are important factors. It is substantial to route the ducts in such a way as to reduce the complexity and possible noise during operation, also to maintain consistent air flow and minimize pressure drops. All bends and curves should be carefully considered, all diameters and lengths of components will play significant role in effective contaminant capture and removal. Selecting the right fans is also important to reduce sounds, emerging in whole system, when air flows through dampers, regulating devices and air vents. It is also influenced by the air stream flowing through the ducts and the level of damping by acoustic silencers. Optimization of ductwork and branch circuit layout in ventilation systems is key to minimize drag, maximizing efficiency and maintaining well balanced and effective system.

Alnor Ventilation Systems
Krakowska 10 Avenue
05-552 Wola Mrokowska

tel. +48 22 737 40 00