Manufacturer: ALNOR Systemy Wentylacji Sp. z o.o.
Designation of construction product type:
Products for air distribution: ventilation ducts (metal and nonmetal) - FLX-HDPE
Intended use(s): Intended to be used for distribution air in ventilation and air conditioning installation inside buildings, including residential, collective residence and public utility buildings.
Polish product standard: EN 17192:2019-01.
Manufacturer: ALNOR Systemy Wentylacji Sp. z o.o.
Designation of construction product type:
Products for air distribution: ventilation ducts (metal and nonmetal) - EPP
Intended use(s): Intended to be used for distribution air in ventilation and air conditioning installation inside buildings, including residential, collective residence and public utility buildings.
Polish product standard: EN 17192:2019-01.
Certification body: ALNOR Ventilation Systems
Manufacturer: Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres - Microbiological Laboratory
Reference document: ISO 22196:2011 "Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces"
Product: FLX-HDPE-A Semi-rigid, non-metallic ventilation ducting.
Hygienic Certificate No: B.BK.60112.0392,2024 valid till 2029.11.22
Certification body: National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene - Department of Environmental Health and Safety
Application: Designed for use in ventilation and air-conditioning systems in apartment buildings, industrial plants and public utility objects including hospitals.
Products: Non-metallic, semi-rigid ducting FLX-HDPE-50/63/75/90, FLX-HDPE-A-50/63/75/90.