Manufacturer: ALNOR Systemy Wentylacji Sp. z o.o.
Designation of construction product type:
Air valve ALNOR made of galvanized sheet Z140/10 μm covered with powder coat:
Air valve ALNOR made of stainless steel 1.4301/304 and 1.4404/316L:
Intended use(s): Intended to be used for supply and/or exhaust air in ventilation and/or air conditioning installation inside buildings, including residential, collective residence and public utility buildings. They can also be used in warehouse, industrial and farm buildings.
National technical assessment: ITB-KOT-2021/2034 issue no 1.
National technical assessment body: Instytut Techniki Budowlanej
Manufacturer: ALNOR Systemy Wentylacji Sp. z o.o.
Designation of construction product type:
Ventilation valves ALNOR made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC): KPP
Intended use(s): Intended to be used for supply and/or exhaust air in ventilation and/or air conditioning installation inside buildings, including residential, collective residence and public utility buildings. They can also be used in warehouse, industrial and farm buildings.
National technical assessment: ITB-KOT-2021/2034 issue no 1.
National technical assessment body: Instytut Techniki Budowlanej
Manufacturer: ALNOR Systemy Wentylacji Sp. z o.o.
Designation of construction product type:
ALNOR diffusers made of galvanised sheet steel Z140/10 μm and powder-coated: ACL, ACP, AKL, AKP, DKF, DKF-L, GCR-N, GCR-F, GCR-NP, GCR-FP, GCR-L, GCR-LP, NKSD-CB, NKSD-C, NKSD-R, NK-SWA, NK-SWB.
ALNOR diffusers made of aluminium and powder-coated: NCD, NCD-S, RVA.
Intended use(s): Intended to be used for supply and/or exhaust air in ventilation and/or air conditioning installation inside buildings, including residential, collective residence and public utility buildings. They can also be used in warehouse, industrial and farm buildings.
National technical assessment: ITB-KOT-2021/2034 issue no 1.
National technical assessment body: Instytut Techniki Budowlanej
Manufacturer: ALNOR Systemy Wentylacji Sp. z o.o.
Designation of construction product type:
Jet nozzles, type KHA made of aluminium EN AW-6060 condition T5 and powder coated, type ITG made of galvanised steel and powder coated..
Intended use(s): Intended to be used for distribution air in ventilation and/or air conditioning installation inside buildings, including residential, collective residence and public utility buildings. They can also be used in warehouse, industrial and farm buildings. Intended to be used in high rooms with large cubic capacity.
National technical assessment: ITB-KOT-2021/2035 issue no 1.
National technical assessment body: Instytut Techniki Budowlanej
Manufacturer: ALNOR Systemy Wentylacji Sp. z o.o.
Designation of construction product type:
Slot diffusers LDS-1-495, LDS-2-495, LDS-2-990, LDS-3-990, LDS-4-990 made of aluminium EN AW-6060 condition T5 and steel sheet, covered with polyester powder coating (PS).
Intended use(s): Elements of ventilation and air conditioning installations, intended to be used for distribution air inside buildings, including residential, collective residence and public utility buildings. They can also be used in warehouse, industrial and farm buildings. They are used with plenum boxes adapted in terms of dimensions and materials to other elements of ventilation.
National technical assessment: ITB-KOT-2021/2033 issue no 1.
National technical assessment body: Instytut Techniki Budowlanej
Manufacturer: ALNOR Systemy Wentylacji Sp. z o.o.
Designation of construction product type:
SGR vents (for round ducts) and SHR (for rectangular ducts) made of steel sheet covered with a powder coating and accessories.
Intended use(s):Intended to be used for supply and/or exhaust air in ventilation and air conditioning installations inside buildings, including residential, collective residence and public utility buildings.
National technical assessment: ITB-KOT-2022/2145 issue no 1.
National technical assessment body: Instytut Techniki Budowlanej
Manufacturer: ALNOR Systemy Wentylacji Sp. z o.o.
Designation of construction product type:
Wall-mounted intakes/exhaust vents made of galvanized steel sheet (possibly covered with a powder coating): CSQ/WSQ.
Wall-mounted intakes/exhaust vents made of aluminium (possibly covered with a powder coating): CSQ-A/WSQ-A.
Wall-mounted intakes/exhaust vents made of stainless steel: CSQ-K/WSQ-K, USUA, USMS.
Wall-mounted exhaust vents with backflow protection made of galvanized steel sheet and aluminium: WSOQ.
Wall-mounted exhaust vents made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC): USMS-P.
Wall-mounted intakes-exhaust vents made of stainless steel: USLA, UVLA, UELA, USUF, USAB.
Wall-mounted intakes-exhaust vents made of aluminium: USAV.
Intended use(s): Intended to be used for supply and/or exhaust air in ventilation and air conditioning systems, in residential buildings, collective residence and public utility buildings.
National technical assessment: ITB-KOT-2022/2144 issue no 1.
National technical assessment body: Instytut Techniki Budowlanej
Manufacturer: ALNOR Systemy Wentylacji Sp. z o.o.
Designation of construction product type: plastered diffusers KNG.
Intended use(s): intended to be used for air supply and/or extract in ventilation and air conditioning systems inside buildings, including residential, collective residence and public utility buildings.
National technical assessment: PN-EN 13142:2021-09 Ventilation of buildings — Elements/products for the ventilation of dwellings — Requirements and additional characteristics of performance.
EN 13141-2:2010 Ventilation for buildings. Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation Exhaust and supply air terminal devices.
National technical assessment body: not applicable.
Hygienic Certificate No: B-BK-60212-0116/20 valid till 2025-07-29
Certification body: National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene
Application: Designed for use in ventilation and air-conditioning systems in apartment buildings, industrial plants and public utility objects including hospitals.
Products: Air valves in stainless steel KW-K-RM, KCN, KN-K-RM; swirl diffusers GCR; external wall-mounted louvres UELA, UVLA, USLA, USUA, USMS, USUF, USAB, ROZ-H
Hygienic Certificate No: B-BK-60212-0117/20 valid till 2025-07-29
Certification body: National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene
Application: Designed for use in ventilation and air-conditioning systems in apartment buildings, industrial plants and public utility objects including hospitals.
Products: Extract air valves KW-RM, KWI, KWO-RML, KWV-RM; supply air valves KN-RM, KNI, KNV-RM, KNT-RML; swirl diffusers GCR; air diffusers NKSD-C, NKSD-CB, NK-SWB, NK-SWA, NKSD-R, ITG, ACL, AKL, DKF, HHS, ROZ-P and grille SHR
Hygienic Certificate No: B-BK-60212/20 valid till 2025-07-29
Certification body: National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene
Application: Designed for use in ventilation and air-conditioning systems in apartment buildings, industrial plants and public utility objects including hospitals.
Products: External louvres UEALA-AL, USAV, USAV-BM, ULMA; air dampers for grilles SHR-DAW; air dampers for diffusers NCD-S-DA, egg crate EGG
Hygienic Certificate No: B-BK-60212-0331/20 valid till 2025-07-29
Certification body: National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene
Application: Designed for use in ventilation and air-conditioning systems in apartment buildings, industrial plants and public utility objects including hospitals.
Products: Plenum boxes for air diffusers PRK, PRW, PRR, PRV, PRR-SD-R, PRO, PRR-CD, PR-LDS; ventilation grilles SGR, SGR-DA and mounting frames (rings) for air valves RM, RML, RMIL
Hygienic Certificate No: B-BK-60212-0115/20 valid till 2025-07-22
Certification body: National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene
Application: Designed for use in ventilation and air-conditioning systems in apartment buildings, industrial plants and public utility objects including hospitals.
Products: Square cone diffusers NCD-S, circular cone diffusers NCD, perforated diffusers RVA; jet diffusers KHA; slot diffusers LDS and grilles SHR.